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50 States Coffee Mugs For Pet Lovers - Part I

50 States

Welcome to our very first blog post! We are getting ready for our "soft opening" on September 1st, and we are getting super excited! While waiting for our first batch of candlemaking supplies and equipment, we decided to tackle a 50 States Coffee Mug Project on August 26th, which happens to be one of our favorite days: "National Dog Day".

Part I: 17 out of 50 Home State Mugs

Below are photos of the first 17 coffee / tea mugs that we've designed (and completed) this week. Each mug has the silhouette of one of the 17 states within the United States, along with a hand-drawn paw.  


Alaska- 50 States Coffee Mug Gift for Dog and Cat Lovers


Arizona - 50 States Coffee Mug Gift for Dog and Cat Lovers

California California - 50 States Coffee Mug Gift for Dog and Cat Lovers

Florida Florida - 50 States Coffee Mug Gift for Dog and Cat Lovers


Georgia - 50 States Coffee Mug Gift for Dog and Cat Lovers

Hawaii Hawaii - 50 States Coffee Mug Gift for Dog and Cat Lovers

Illinois Illinois - 50 States Coffee Mug Gift for Dog and Cat Lovers


Louisiana - 50 States Coffee Mug Gift for Dog and Cat Lovers

Michigan Michigan - 50 States Coffee Mug Gift for Dog and Cat Lovers

New Hampshire

New Hampshire - 50 States Coffee Mug Gift for Dog and Cat Lovers

New York

New York - 50 States Coffee Mug Gift for Dog and Cat Lovers

North Carolina 

North Carolina - 50 States Coffee Mug Gift for Dog and Cat Lovers


Ohio - 50 States Coffee Mug Gift for Dog and Cat Lovers

South Carolina 

South Carolina - 50 States Coffee Mug Gift for Dog and Cat Lovers


Tennessee - 50 States Coffee Mug Gift for Dog and Cat Lovers


Texas - 50 States Coffee Mug Gift for Dog and Cat Lovers


Washington - 50 States Coffee Mug Gift for Dog and Cat Lovers

In case you were wondering why we decided to start with 17 and not 20...

We simply divided the number of states by 3! We are learning how dividing a huge project into manageable chunks helps with time management.

Time Management Quote - Business and Life Lessons

We did our best to identify the "state locations" of all of you who have been following and supporting us since we've embarked on this homeschool project almost 3 weeks ago! It's hard to believe we're already wrapping up Week 3 today!

If you're reading this and we missed your home state, please give us a shout on our Facebook page (or kindly leave us a comment below), and we will be happy to add your state to "Part 2" of our 50 States Coffee Mug Project for Pet Lovers blog post.

In the meantime, this exercise has been tremendously helping each of us--especially our younger brothers--properly identify the shape of each state! 

We hope you will enjoy using and/or gifting these mugs, just as much as we have enjoyed the process of creating and learning about each of them. You can find our listing for the 50 States Coffee Mugs for Pet Lovers here.

Please stay tuned for Part 2 next time!

Thank you for following along.


The Young Entrepreneurs - 😊😎😏😁 -

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