The Blog Lounge
Entering the New Year of 2021

A Word of Gratitude As we wrap up the year tonight, we are very grateful for the opportunity that God has given us to start Candle Bake Shop, which began as our 2020 homeschool project. We are thankful for all of you guys, too! We've enjoyed interacting with you in our posts and we hope you’ve enjoyed watching us grow! We wanted to create one more post for 2020 before we enter the New Year and share what we've learned over the last 3.5 months. What We've Learned Since our Soft Launch back in September to today, we've learned...
Making A Difference With Paw Philanthropy

A Custom Pet Portrait That Makes A Difference

Tis the season to get a custom pet portrait that makes a difference! We've partnered with Adoodzlife Style to bring to you a Benefit Auction in tandem with the Pop-Up Sale on October 26-30!
Pop-Up Sale Featured Brand: Adoodzlife Style

Among the 3 artists / brands who will be joining us on October 26-30 during our first-ever Pop-Up Sale is Adoodzlife Style. The event will be on our Instagram and Facebook pages, and we'd love for you to join us! We invite you to get to know more about Adoodzlife Style by reading about the brand's story...